We proudly present our stockists! This month: Elfenkleid

We are selling our accessories and home decoration not only over our online-shop http://www.silviagattin.com but also through our international stockists. This is why we thought it’s about time to start presenting you our wonderful partners and interesting ladies with lots of taste.

This month we visited one of our most favourite partners: Elfenkleid – bridal & evening & ready to wear label where modernism meets romanticism.

elfenkleid_shopfoto1©victoria schaffer
Bildrechte: Viktoria Schaffer

Since when does Elfenkleid exist?

Since 15 years.
We designed our first dress collection in 2001 and opened our shop in 2003 in Vienna.

Where is the shop located and why did you choose that exact spot?
You can find us in Margarentenstraße 39 – close to Naschmarkt – in Vienna and in Reichenbachstraße 10 – just around the corner of Viktualienmarkt, on the beautiful Gärtnerplatz – in Munich.

Finding the atelier in Vienna was a wonderful coincidence. We were already looking for a shop, that was a bit different and walking through the district we saw the place and instantly fell in love with it. We got in contact with the owners and were happy to hear that the space was actually available.

A similar thing happened in Munich. With the idea in mind to always have the Elfenkleid spirit clearly visible, also in our new shop we were lucky to find a space in Munich that had almost the exact same layout as our shop in Vienna. Therefore we were able to integrate our workshop in the shop, which will always be important to us, cause it gives our clients the chance to experience the making of their dress.


How do you choose your partners and how many different labels are available at your shop?
Next to our ready to wear collection and our bridal and evening dresses we sell accessoires of seven different labels.

Shoes and bags from silviagattin.com :), headpieces from Blackbirdspearl & Bellejulie, jewellery from Monir, home accessoires from Bloomingville, leather bags from minibags and china objects from Feine Dinge.

Our selection happens naturally of wanting to offer our clients products that go along with our dresses and products that make them happy and fit their style.
And most of the time there is a private connection, nice story of how we met or similar connected to our wonderful cooperations.

For us it’s not only to stand for a product, but also the people behind that product, their stories and ideas. Therfore the contact to our partners is an important part of a successful cooperation.

Which additional activities are scheduled for the next months? (pop-up stores, markets, sales, etc.)
In fall, from September to December we always have an early-bird campaign for tailor-made bridal gowns and we’ll attend Lovecircus*bash in Munich, a really special fair for engaged couples.

Do you have an online-shop?

yes! 🙂


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